Thursday, January 15, 2015

Harrison Bergeron


This is my English 2 Blog

Harrison Bergeron Harrison Bergeron was 14 years old when he was captured from the government by his father, Hazel Bergeron. He has a radio implanted in his ear so his intelligence is by far, the greatest. A night in 2018, he sits in front of the television looking at these ballerinas dance but with masks on to cover their beauty and weights to hinder their grace and strength. Then breaking news!! Interrupts the dancers to show that Harrison has escaped. He declares himself an emperor and uses one of the ballerinas as an empress. But what happens when he escapes….?


Shows how the ballerinas used masks and weights when they danced to show their strength, but hide their beauty.

Emperor and Empress
Shows how he made the little ballerina his empress.
Shows that Harrison was handicap but strong and people looked to him as God because he was powerful.

Harrison Bergeron was considered a God to the people, he was so strong and he encouraged people by his actions. He barely spoke to people but his strength was so powerful that he was a verbal teacher. It is a utopia, a town that is handicapped and they are equally the same in every way. This family, a woman and a man, who are at home watching television and they happen to be looking at a ballet and a man, disrupts the show and has escaped from the prison and demands that he will take over and this is a bad place. He felt that he needed a queen and a ballerina came up, volunteered that spot and they danced. They danced so good that nobody did anything for a while. Then a woman appeared (police officer) and shot them and killed them and it was caught on camera and she was told to be the bad man, towards the end, the man that rebels forgot about the system, and erased it.
       Things that I did and didn't like about the story

  • I didn't like that the police officer shot them and killed them in the end.
  • I liked the fact that he was so strong.
  • I didn't enjoy the part where they can erase their minds, because memories are most important in life.
  • I liked that the ballerina and Bergeron danced so wonderfully.
More things about Bergeron..
     He caught the eye of many people in this handicap world. I mean come on what if you were in a world just full of handicap people and one handicap man in prison escapes, demands the world to be stronger and dances so beautifully with the ballerina, starts to encourage you but then he gets killed and you are forced to forget about him? You would feel bad and sad, I totally understand where they are coming from. You have to put yourself in the story's shoes so you can actually feel the way the characters felt.

How I feel about Harrison..
I feel that this story is sad but then awesome, because he was so strong, I can put myself in the ballerinas shoes. I can relate to the ballerina because she was a dancer and I also dance. I can relate to her in other ways because I would also put my pride aside and dance with the world's most strongest man if I had the chance. I can also relate to Harrison because he escaped and he did the smartest thing which was try to encourage people to do the best they can and not let being handicap affect them and their life.

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